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2010-6-19 11:54| 发布者: admin| 查看: 199| 评论: 0|来自: 网络

摘要: CITIBANK就是花旗银行,它是全美第一大发卡公司(最近好像沦落到第二大)(1) Credit line is based on internal score with the bank itself and all credit history from credit report.(2) Best bet on getting cr ...

(1) Credit line is based on internal score with the bank itself and all credit history from credit report.

(2) Best bet on getting credit limit increase is to lie about income and ask for instant CL increase. The instant CL increase can be done once every 6 months.

(3) 5% CashBack on gas and grocery for Citi Dividend card is going to stay as it attracts customers to CitiBank.

(4) it sucks but yes its true (that WalMart super center is not counted as grocery for 5% Cash Back any more.)

(5) you can have as many acct's with us as your credit will take you the sky is the limit.

(6) Virtual credit card numbers once issued stay with a customer. Therefore refund can be requested either by virtual credit card number, which a seller has on record, or by providing to a seller the usual account number.

(7) Telephone reps are not required to make notes in the account of every conversation with customer unless customer ask them to or some standard actions are perfomed that auto notes the acct with info.

(8) (If a c/s rep won't re-activate an account they closed by mistake), ask to speak to the "CREW" dept this means credit manager. and if they cant help, ask to speak to the presidential dept, they will only trans to the dept not give the #. If the acct was closed more than 1 year ago it will never be reopened.

(9) the system will also consider a "credit line movement" (transfer of CL between cards) a cli increase, and kill your chance of getting a instant cli (in several months).

(10) (when converting a card to another), the date open would not change, because it does not change with us. but the new card # would show up on the report.

(11) the best time you will get an offer is when you either pay off a bal, or you have not used the card in a while. because they want your business back.



won't Citi at some point in the (near) future do an account review? Won't you then have to provide income verification (e.g., pay stubs and W2's).


it is possible they can do this but they will have no need to do this as long as i keep my acct's in good standing by stay away from the 4 bad things you do not want to do with a credit card #1 dont pay late. #2 dont go over the cl. #3 dont have any returned payments from your bank. and #4 dont do any of the above with any other acct's that you own also. and they will have less chance to view my credit because i dont ask them to.

when u call the citi CSR, and don't get the satisfying answer, or the CSR is not professional and nice enough, you can ask to speak to the "CREW" dept this means credit manager, and if they cant help, ask to speak to the presidential dept, they will only trans to the dept not give the #.






